I do not find this surprising. There is a great deal in this four-part essay that is pretty challenging to most people. Most of our 7.8 billion fellow humans are not cognitively equipped in terms of the required scientific backgrounds to understand the world we live in. The immense majority live in a fantasy space where various forms of magical thinking, beliefs in myths and related rituals prevail, wrapped up in a semblance of rationality and often with much maths added in the case of economists. Some of these are thousands of years old, others fairly recent (like the myths about a 2oC global warming limit the industrialised world couldpossibly stay under, or the myths about addressing the Climate Emergency with photovoltaics and wind turbines). This fantasy world has reached the end of the road. Hanging on to it has become lethal. Still, for most, letting go of it and facing reality is jolly hard — hence a blank stare. However, privately, I keep receiving increasing support for our Fourth Transition Initiative (see Cool Planet Foundation and https://srsroccoreport.com/thermodynamic-oil-collapse-future-interview-with-dr-louis-arnoux/?doing_wp_cron=1605173851.6712861061096191406250). It takes time. As matters on the downside of the Energy Seneca worsen, I expect that people who learn to face reality will be at a distinct advantage.