Hi Ray,
Thanks for your comments. Yes, I share the sentiment: ignorance and impotence prevail among decision-making elites and it’s up to us to sort things out. According to the latest international surveys, hundreds of million people young and old, and counting, feel the same and are deeply worried.
Yet blowing up pipelines or anything else can’t get us out of trouble, whatever Andreas Malm may think, and there is no need. By the mid 1970s, some of us began to understand that the industrial world is hegemonic, on a self-destructive course that it can’t be deviated from. Global dynamics since have abundantly corroborated our initial insights — e.g., see Christopher Bystroff’s recent paper: global population is probably peaking now… and on the current version of BAU, renewables and nukes included, is probably on its way down to somewhere between 1 and 2 billion people by around 2050 (Bystroff, Cristopher, 2021, Footprints to singularity: A global population model explains late 20th century slow-down and predicts peak within ten years. PLoS ONE 16(5): e0247214. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0247214.).
So, no need to blow things up or “fight the system”… it’s doing it to itself big time… Better build something else, in a hell of a hurry. In the face of all the gloom, let me share with you how there are game changing avenues that are simple, affordable, sustainable to get out of the present quagmire, ways that no one so far had seen. We bring this forward so that, instead of despairing and feeling powerless, or mad angry and wanting to blow things up, all can focus on how they can get involved in changing the game, whatever their means and capabilities may be. I have posted this recently at Repowering the planet, the Intelligent Way — Introduction and Summary, and Repowering the planet, the Intelligent Way, Part I — Understand the problem and Repowering the planet, Part II — How to re-open the door to the future, intelligently. This way people can see that there is a game changer within reach.
Please take a bit of quality time to have a read. I would love to discuss this with you.